產(chǎn)品簡介:DTSY8777 /DSSY8777系列三相電子式預付費電能表系我公司采用進口專用大規(guī)模集成電路, 16位A/D轉(zhuǎn)換、 數(shù)字乘法器、應用數(shù)字采樣處理技術(shù)的單片機處理系統(tǒng)進行數(shù)據(jù)的采集、 處理和保存及應用 SMT工藝制造的儀表。
DTSY8777 /DSSY8777系列三相電子式預付費電能表系我公司采用進口專用大規(guī)模集成電路, 16位A/D轉(zhuǎn)換、 數(shù)字乘法器、應用數(shù)字采樣處理技術(shù)的單片機處理系統(tǒng)進行數(shù)據(jù)的采集、 處理和保存及應用 SMT工藝制造的儀表。 適用于計量額定頻率為50Hz或60Hz的三相三線或三相四線交流電網(wǎng)中有功電能的消耗。 產(chǎn)品符合 GB/T17215. 321-2008《1級和2級靜止式交流有功電能表》和GB/T18460.1-2001 《IC卡預付費售電系統(tǒng)第3部分:預付費電能表》的全部技術(shù)要求。
主要特點:應用計算機管理, 先購電后用電;在額定電流范圍內(nèi)能限制最大使用功 率(由供電部門限定);該表供固定安裝在室內(nèi)使用, 適用于環(huán)境溫度不超過-20~+55℃, 相對濕度不超過85%, 且空氣中不含有腐蝕性氣體及避免塵砂、 霉菌、 昆蟲等影響。
DTSY8777/DSSY8777 series three-phase electronic prepaid energy meter made by SMT technology as our new type, adopted the imported large scaled integ「atedcircuit, 16 bits A/D converter, digital multiplier, digital sampling and processing technology, and advanced chipset to perform data acquisition, processing and saving, it is suitable for measuring the active energy of AC50Hz or 60Hz, three-phase three-wire, or three-phase four-wire system. The meter complies with the technical requirements of standard of GB/T17215.321-2008《Class1.0 and 2.0 static AC active energy meters》and GB/T18460.1-2001 《ICcard prepaid energy selling system Part 3: Prepaid energy meters》.
Main features: administrated y computer, first purchase electric energy, then consume the elect廿city, within 「ated current it can limit the maxi operating power (controlled by power supply department)
This meter fixed indoor, operating in the ambient conditions as ambient temperature -20-+55℃, relative humidity not exceeding 85%, in the ai「 there shall have no corrosive gas, and dust, mildew and insects shall be prevented